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Table 4 Class identification structure, by country

From: China’s transitioning class identity

Dependent variable: lower class, logistic transformation




−0.4587804c (−3.76)


4.927614c (3.66)


0.182402 (0.13)

n: 43


R 2: 0.4855


F: 18.87c


Dependent variable: logistic transformation of the percentage of the population that says it is lower or working class




−0.2169505b (−2.76)


1.535321a (1.77)


1.138504 (1.27)

n: 43


R 2: 0.2648


F: 7.20b

  1. aStatistical significance at 10 % level
  2. bStatistical significance at 1 % level
  3. cStatistical significance at 0.1 % level